Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cheesy smiles!

I am just off for a Scrabble death-match with my friend Judy, so will post more later. Today we went to Upper Canada Village where we visited our buddy Eugene, who works in the cheese factory. Here we are, flashing our cheesy smiles!

More soon today's visit. Must go Scrabble-ize now. No ducklings yet! I'm getting anxious...


  1. Scrabble and cheese? Does life get any better than that. I must post another McIntyre cheese poem in celebration!

  2. You are both as cute as can be. I'd smile for cheese, too.

  3. I love Scrabble and cheese too! Lovely photo.

  4. Ahh so the mythical Eugene does reside at UCV. The lady that was there the day we went was adequate at describing the process, but I had hoped to meet up with your friend.

    A Scrabbler - hmmm - are you a Facebooker? If so I must friend you and challenge you to a match on-line - one of my favourite pastimes these days.

    Looking forward to your UCV pics.

  5. Jams, it does not. And with the Scrabble came excellent cheese quiche, with peaches and ice cream for dessert!

    Deb, thank you. Mr. Cheesy Eugene always makes me smile.

    Thank you Nancy! Cheese is the best! :)

    Musical Gardener, it's too bad you missed Eu. His cheesy cohort, Dennis, is also excellent. He does a great talk to the guests. Too bad you missed the dynamic duo!

    I am on Facebook! Email me at the address on my profile page and I'll send you the info. :) I loooove Scrabble.


Thank you for all your comments, which I love to read!